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  • Writer's pictureConnor Moizer

Friday 11th January 2019 Updates

Updates whats this, this categorise is where i will be telling you about all the updates that has happend on this website.

first update is a new design, I wanted something simple and easy to navigate and basic colours not flash in your face

second update is a testimonial, this is where users can leave comments about me before i had to implement them manual but now thanks to datasheet i was able to connect the form to a repeater list, this is how it works

user inputs the data such as name, email, comment then relationship with me then thanks to some wizardry from it auto after a short time appears on the website im just waiting on a response from to see if a user is able remove comments by there selves or if its me that has to do it i will keep you updated on that.

third is a new designed contact page before i used to just have a page with a line of text and forms to fill out well now i have a map of my area i live in (well not my house postcode but the town i live in) and the usual form to fill out but this time i added 3 repeater boxes the idea for the boxes came from my old high school / academy`s trust website (The GORSE Academies Trust) this has a small description on why you will not see my number on this website and why you have to request it

That is all the updates for now until next time

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New 301 forwarding URL

This website now can be accessed by 2 ways one is the free one that is given to you by wix and the other one is a 3rd party URL from a website called wh

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